

Last week Thursday, half of my throat felt scratchy with swollen glands. By Saturday evening I was sounding the off-side of sexy, Sunday brought some high-pitched falsetto and by Tuesday most of my voice was gone. I went to the doctor- let me talk about this quickly- the five or so minutes I actually spent with the doctor were preceded by me sitting with mrs poodle in (no-doubt) germ-filled air, waiting for an hour. Mrs poodle said, he knows everyone in the community so he has chats, etc. I most likely sighed. I must also mention that while I was waiting the local mosque sang it’s call to prayer – and so I am assuming the doctor quickly ran off to pray, while I sat there praying for patience. I’m joking, I didn’t. But I was starving and so was mrs poodle, and neither of us are any good at being hungry, let alone hungry and sick.

So today I stayed home, sick, to recover and take my medicines. This evening I feel so much better, there is even some of my old voice back hidden in the varying pitches of my sentences.

Staying home was mighty boring. It’s like, hello throat, I’m just waiting for you, to fix yourself up, no pressure. And no talking. I didn’t play music either because it was too sad to not sing along. So I lay around and did some admin, thought about things, folded laundry, and kept mrs poodle updated on my health.

Side story: mrs poodle received an email saying that there were still concert tickets available to a concert I so badly wanted to go to but they were sold out at the time- but YAY for us, we’ll be going to see 30 seconds to mars in November!

Anyway, let’s hope I kick laryngitis and get back to sounding normal. It’s weird, because my brain voice sounds normal when I talk in my head, but then as soon as I speak out loud, it’s like I’m a third person.

5 thoughts on “Laryngitis

  1. krisalex333

    Glad you are a bit better – take care of yourselves, Poodles! Cape Town has been cold this winter, by my checkings of the weather map! Keep warm.


      • krisalex333

        Reasonable?! Okay, so maybe it’s my old bones feeling the cold! At least we don’t have Bloemfontein’s cold… Glad you are better, keep cuddling, it does help! 😉


      • krisalex333

        Hmmm, can believe’s she’s imitating a skeleton in a fridge! Let’s just say I live along the coast east of you; )


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